05 August 2010

Find Yourself in O'Reilly's Lost World Spa on the Mountaintop

This Gay Gold Coast blog features inspiring things to see and do in Australia's dream destination...where vibrant lesbian and gay travel experiences are paramount!  Spending a day - or two or three - at the Lost World Spa with this view is one of them!

Nature Conscious Retreat (24th - 26th September) 
Take time for yourself to de-stress, detox and commune with nature in the luxury and comfort of O'Reilly's. Meditate while walking, sitting on the roots of millenarian trees or next to waterfalls to clear your mind, uplift your spirit, align to the life-force of trees and water, and ground yourself.

Signature Treatment  

Vinotherapy treatments are unique, signature treatments for the Lost World Spa. ( No, they don't use excess wine from O'Reillys Winery!)
Vinotherapy involves using grape seed extracts which happen to contain some of nature's most powerful antioxidents. The grape products are rich in collagen and firm the skin and slow down the aging process. The infusion of the extracts of grape will introduce healing properties and rejuvenate.
Products such as Red Grape extract, micronised vines, wine leaves, grape skins, yeasts, grape seed oil, red wine or muscatel wine are used to stimulate the production of collagen, combat free radicals and prevent the premature aging of the skin, as well as improving blood circulation, stimulating the immune system and combating fatigue.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For staying active and healthy try Tai Chi in various Gold COast Parks - for free.
Instructor Brad Holmes (AKA Learn to Surf School) conducts sessions from Coolangatta to Labrador practically every day. GoldCoastCity.com.au/parks.